How can Tax Free help you increase the shopping cart value in your store?
In 2024, we had nearly 17,000 customers who purchased from Tax Free-authorized stores and reclaimed their VAT through our service. Customers from non-EU countries who visited Romania and returned to their home country within 90 days enjoyed substantial discounts on the products they purchased. Although the concept of Tax Free is not yet widely known in Romania, internationally, tens of thousands of tourists use this service daily. Why? They can get discounts of up to 20% on higher-value products or recurring purchases. While Tax Free applies to B2C customers, the amounts need to exceed 175 euros for the reimbursement to take place. So, when a Tax Free customer chooses your store, they won’t spend less than 175 euros.
How does a Tax-Free client reach your store?
Every foreign client from Non-UE who arrives in Romania and is interested in reclaiming their VAT has access on our website to a list of all stores, their locations, and where they can shop. In addition to the information provided on the website, via email, and on social media, every Tax-Free authorized store is marked with the Tax-Free logo, placed in a visible location. Although the international audience may seem at first glance like a secondary group with less purchasing power, when it comes to Tax-Free shopping, the reality is different, and according to our calculations, the figures look different as well.
In 2024, we refunded over 8,000,000 RON to 17,000 non-EU clients. Therefore, the fact that these foreign clients can buy from you and receive their VAT refund is a real benefit, but we’ll discuss more in detail about the advantages of being our partner.
- Long-term Partnership
We have been working with this type of audience—non-EU citizens coming to Romania—for over ten years. And if there’s one very clear thing we’ve observed, it’s that they are an audience that, in a way, remains loyal to brands. Not only does their loyalty persist year after year, but their recommendations also grow. So, when you choose to join our Tax-Free network, you open yourself up to creating long-term relationships with foreign customers who will choose your products and recommend them to their close ones.
- Association with the only TAX-Free company in Romania
Partnering with Tax Free will not only increase the number of customers in your store but will also bring an image benefit to your brand. In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, offering financial benefits to those who choose to shop with you clearly represents a major advantage.
- Benefits and More Clients, Without Effort
Often, when we talk to the stores involved or brand managers, one of the questions that comes up is: *How much effort does it take on our part to implement Tax Free?* We understand and empathize with the context of this question, especially in a time when increasing the workload for current employees is not a viable solution. Becoming one of the Tax Free partners is much simpler than it sounds. More than effort, the key requirement is a desire. So, the real question is: Do you want to position yourself differently from the competition and attract more foreign customers to your store?
After answering this question, the next step is to send us an email to schedule a physical or online meeting. The final step is then to sign the contract and explain the Client – Store – Tax Free – Client system. The solution to increase your number of clients in 2025 is available; now it depends on you to implement it. We are just one step away if you need help!